Indrustrial overhead doors offer

    Company (obligatory)

    Name (obligatory)

    Contact person

    Email address (obligatory)

    Phone number (obligatory)

    Installation location (obligatory)

    Quantity (obligatory)

    Size (width x height) in millimeter (obligatory)

    Track system (obligatory)

    In case of following high lift, HA must be given in milimeter

    Angle in case of following normal lift

    Panel color (obligatory)

    Panel color in other RAL (obligatory)

    Operation (obligatory)

    Security device (obligatory)

    Manual operation

    Emergency release (only in case of DOD automation)


    Entrance door (obligatory)

    Entrance door width (obligatory)

    Entrance door opening direction (obligatory)

    Entrance door sill (obligatory)

    Entrance door electrical safety package

    Panorama panel

    Panorama panel color in the outside


    Number of windows

    Window location

    Optional accessory

    Extra remote control
